The Climate Change Division (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change is the responsible national agency for addressing climate change policy issues in Fiji. The CCD is guided by the Climate Change Act 2021 and the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) and works in collaboration with government agencies, non-governmental organisations, regional and international agencies and development partners. This site is intended to be a central hub of information, data and reports about climate change in Fiji at large.

The CCD comprises different climate change work units:
The Adaptation Unit of the CCD supports the inter-ministerial process relating to adaptation. This process includes activities relating to national climate change adaptation plans, adaptation registry, international reporting, climate mobility, communication & awareness, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
The Mitigation Unit focusses on the development, review and tracking of effective strategies for managing and reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. The team also works to support the consistent and transparent public reporting and tracking of emissions and policy effectiveness.
The Oceans Unit of the CCD works with multiple stakeholders across the Government, Non-Government, and private sector agencies working in the marine space. The team targets that Fiji’s marine resources are sustainably managed and preserved against unmanageable practices. This includes implementing activities guided by the National Ocean Policy and the Climate Change Act 2021. Key work areas include the blue economy, international reporting, ocean-climate nexus, UN Decade of Ocean Science, Marine Protected Areas, ocean accounts, ban on single-use plastics, ocean literacy and advocacy and ocean governance.
The Climate Finance Unit is a cross cutting section responsible for strategizing existing and new mechanisms to mobilise innovative climate finance. This includes instruments from a broad range of bilateral, multilateral, international and other sources. Furthermore, the Climate Finance Stream accounts and manages the existing fiscal climate finance flows such as Green Bonds, Environment and Climate Adaptation Levy, Green Fiscal concessions. It adheres to and is governed by the Climate Change Act 2021.
Check Fiji’s National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
CCD Personnel
The CCD Team comprises about 20 staff covering a range of climate change related roles.