The Climate Change Division’s Adaptation Unit coordinates Fiji’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) which outlines priorities to address climate change impacts and adapt to climate change. The NAP is an overarching plan for addressing national adaptation needs. It provides public, private, and civil society stakeholders and development partners a list of prioritised adaptation needs across various sectors in Fiji. This ensures that climate change adaptation actions and resources address the most pressing vulnerabilities and needs. The Adaptation team works on:
- Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into all sectors of development
- Providing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP, and NAP Costing Tool guidance to the Climate Change Division (CCD) of the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Adaptation Unit also coordinates climate induced human mobility efforts in Fiji. Fiji is one of the first Pacific Island nations where low-lying coastal communities are relocating or planning for climate-related relocation. The Government has identified more than 80 communities that might require ‘potential relocation’ in response to anticipated and realised climate risks. We have partnered with other Government Ministries and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ), in preparing the National Climate Change Planned Relocation Guidelines. The following relocation related guidance is available or under development:
- Planned Relocation Guidelines (PRG)
- Planned Relocation Guidelines Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – under development
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment
- Displacement Guidelines
As Fiji’s National Focal Point for the Adaptation Fund, we are coordinating a project to increase the resilience of urban informal settlements in Fiji. The project covers USD $4.5 million and we collaborate with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat).
The Climate Change Division is Fiji’s representative to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which covers our global commitments on climate adaptation and loss & damage. This role includes the administration of Fiji’s Adaptation Registry.
We are also the key Facilitator of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures in Fiji.

Key documents:
- Download the Climate Vulnerability Assessment
- Download the Displacement Guidelines
- Download the Fiji’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
- Download the Fiji’s National Adaptation Plan Framework
- Download the Planned Relocation Guidelines