The act covers 3. Tenure of native lands by Fijians, 4. Native Lands Commission, 5. Roko of each province a member, 6. Commissioners to inquire into titles and describe boundaries of lands claimed, 7. Appeal, 8. Registration of the boundaries and the placing of boundary marks, 9. Boundaries of land and names of owners to be recorded and surveyed, 10. How register shall be kept, 11. Previously registered leases containing error in respect of ownership may be altered, 12. Validity of agreements to lease and surrenders of control, 13. Indemnity, and other aspects.
Author: Fiji
Citation: Government of Fiji. (1978). Native Lands Act 1905: An act relating to native lands; [No. 11 of 1905] [also known as] iTaukei Lands Act 1905 (No 11 of 1905); Ed. 1978. Suva, Fiji: Government of Fiji. [11] p.
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