The National Determined Contribution (NDC) is the mechanism to achieve a target for limiting global warming to 1.5oC to 2oC degrees above pre-industrial levels. Countries communicate their national greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and respective progress made through their NDC. Fiji’s NDC aims to reduce 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario using 2013 greenhouse emissions as a baseline. Fiji’s emission reduction target focuses on the energy sector, specifically on electricity generation and transmission and demand side energy efficiency. The NDC Implementation Roadmap (the ‘Roadmap’) charts a pathway for the implementation of mitigation actions needed to achieve the NDC for Fiji.
Author: Fiji Ministry of Economy
Citation: Fiji Ministry of Economy. (2021). Fiji NDC Implementation Roadmap: Briefing note. Suva, Fiji: Ministry of Economy. 10 p.
Download the document: Briefing Note Fiji NDC Implementation Roadmap