This report shows how countries, and SIDS in particular, can develop an adaptation and resilience plan drawing on extensive data and analysis of the risks and threats and integrated with countries’ existing development plans and objectives. The objective was to carry out a climate vulnerability assessment for Fiji and develop recommendations to inform Fiji’s investment planning process. The initiative helped inform the national development priorities, and its investment and development plan for the next 5, 10 and 20 years. The report furthermore sets out clear priorities and recommendations that can inform the national development priorities, in particular Fiji’s sector investment plans for the short-, medium- and long term. The assessment methodology may be replicated through the Small Island States Resilience Initiative (SISRI) in other Pacific Island Countries and Small Island Developing States.
Author: Fiji
Citation: Fiji. (2017). Climate Vulnerability Assessment: Making Fiji climate resilient. Suva, Fiji: Government of Fiji. 168 p.
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