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July 4, 2016

Assessing Scaling Potential Tool

This document provides a step by step guidance for projects to be scaled up and details the rapid diagnostic tools for scaling. Author: World Resources Institute […]
November 23, 2015

Environment and Climate Adaptation Levy Act 2015 (No 20 of 2015) [also known as] Environmental Levy Act 2015: An act to impose and environmental levy on prescribed service turnover and for related matters; Act No. 20 of 2015 [ECAL]

Subject to the provisions of this Act, a levy at the rate of 6% shall be levied on the turnover of any person conducting a business […]
November 5, 2015

Fiji’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) are national commitments to reduce national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Fiji submitted their intended […]
May 6, 2015

Climate public expenditure and institutional review Fiji [CPEIR]

The Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) can be used to examine how public and private climate change and disaster risk management expenditures are integrated […]
February 7, 2015

A Review of Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation Practices and Policies, And Relevant Institutions in Fiji

This report consolidates information on the impact of climate change in Fiji, reviews major Government policies that support adaptation, and describes the institutions involved in adaptation […]
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