The Fiji Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) was developed in 2018. The overall aim of the LEDS is to enhance Fiji’s ability to plan for decarbonisation […]
The National Determined Contribution (NDC) is the mechanism to achieve a target for limiting global warming to 1.5oC to 2oC degrees above pre-industrial levels. Countries communicate […]
This briefing note is a summary of the Fiji National Climate Change Policy (NCCP). It provides key details on the overarching policy instrument for climate change […]
The technology needs assessment was a nationally driven, gender-inclusive process involving relevant stakeholders. From a mitigation perspective, the Fiji Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) takes a two-pronged […]
Fiji’s Third National Communication is an important report that helps Fiji fulfil its reporting obligation as a Party to the UNFCCC. This report shows how Fiji […]
In 2017 the Government of Fiji adopted the NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030, which lays out a comprehensive pathway to achieving Fiji’s first NDC. The roadmap aims […]