Overview of the Pacific Ecosystems-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (PEBACC) Project, which is implemented in Fiji, Vanuatu and Solomon Islands The project aims to provide tools for communities to become more resilient to the effects of climate change. Under the project the Ecosystem and Socio-Economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM) methodology has been developed with assessment reports produced with full stakeholder participation in each country. The four main focal areas of the project are: 1) ecosystem-based management using a catchment-based ridge to reef approach; 2) establishment of community-based protected areas; 3) ground water resource management; and 4) urban greening. A more in-depth description of activities is provided for each country. In Fiji the focus was on the Macuata Province where a holistic approach was taken for better community-based management of catchment area to reduce negative effects on the river systems and ultimately the coral reefs in the area. A second project was undertaken on Taveuni Island and included improving plant cover in watershed area, tree planting, establishment of nurseries to provide seedlings, mangrove planting, better land management practices, agro-forestry.
Citation: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). (2021, February 04). SPREP Pacific Ecosystem Based adaptation to climate change (PEBACC) Project Overview (Extended version) [Video]