The purposes of the Fund are a) to receive monies from donors, foundations and other States parties to the Convention and any other source to finance climate action; b) to disburse the monies received for the performance of the State’s role as President of COP 23; c) to facilitate the State’s participation in hosting and attending training and events related to climate action; d) to provide funding to assist programmes, projects and activities associated with climate action or arising out of the COP 23 Presidency and which may include addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation activities under the Agreement.
Author: Fiji
Citation: Fiji. (2017). Climate Action Trust Fund Act 2017: (No 6 of 2017) [also known as] COP 23 Presidency Trust Fund Act 2017: An act to establish a trust fund for the funding of the state’s role as president of COP 23 and to assist the Government to finance programmes, projects and activities that relate to the Paris Agreement and for related matters; Act No. 6 of 2017. Suva, Fiji: Government of Fiji. [93] p.
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