The Fiji ICAT Project was launched by the Climate Change Division on 28 November 2021 and was jointly implemented by United Nations Office Project Services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of Agriculture together with Green House Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) as the technical partner to the project.
The ICAT project has led to the development of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory report for rice cultivation and livestock with a guidance document for determining GHG emissions in the agriculture sector. The project has also enabled identification and assessment of two agriculture policies for GHG and sustainable development impact, as well as supported the Fiji Government to develop an overarching institutional arrangement and recommendation for national reporting system and design for the Fiji National GHG inventory for agriculture.
This will help establish a systematic approach for sectoral data collection, processing, and reporting at the national level. This system will be underpinned by clearly identified reporting structures and integrated into Fiji’s broader national MRV system which is currently under development.
The following project outputs have been developed under the ICAT Project:
Download: 1. Fiji Agriculture Livestock_Guidance Document & User Manual
Download: 2a. Fiji Agriculture Rice Cultivation Emissions_Guidance Document
Download: 2b. Fiji Agriculture Rice Cultivation Emissions_Inventory Manual
Download: 3. Agriculture Policy Assessment for Fiji
Download: 4. National Inventory System Guidelines for the Agriculture Sector, Fiji