- Review the consultative group Terms of Reference (TOR);
- Co-develop the Letter of Support (LOS) and No Objection Letter (NOL) procedures to appraise and approve Green Climate Fund (GCF) concept notes (CN) and funding proposals (FP) respectively.
Key Activities:
First part Validation of SWG TOR.
Second Part, Fiji’s Letter of Support and No Objection Letter draft procedures discussion. Presentation by Groups and suggestion for next meeting.
- SWG members to be involved from the start during the ideation stage with project proponents through a consultative process before they get to the NOL cycle.
- NDA to create a mechanism of awareness for other government ministries
- There needs to be open communication between SWG and National Designated Authority (NDA)
- Balance for projects should be 50% mitigation and 50% adaptation
Next Steps: The SWG consultative meetings will be conducted minimum quarterly and the open meetings will be conducted twice in a year.
Participants: 29